I'll publish this small game app here.
I think of releasing this to iOS and Android in the future.
This game is made of ideas of these things.
I'm very grateful for them.

And I'll also be glad if someone give me some feedbacks.
The current game numbers are :
[Cost] N...unit / L...level
First : 10 * 1.1^(L-1)
Second : 136 * 1.2(L-2)
N : 10 * 13.61^(N-1)* (1+(0.1*N))^(L-1)
[Interval] N...unit
First : 3s
Second : 4s
N : 3 + N(s)
[Gold Multiplier] This is decided when ascend
1 + Log(MaxGold / 1E+30)

If you send your ideas, I'll consider the balance according to it!
I'll be happy if many people play this game!!

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